Reg Charity No: 266209
Whether you are new to Buckland Monachorum, have lived in the area for a long time, or are simply planning to visit the Hall, this site will provide an insight on the Hall’s history and those groups that use it. The Village Hall is a valuable community resource, providing many facilities within its walls. Its development and improvement over the past decade has been well supported by local people, West Devon Borough Council and the Community Council of Devon. The Trustees and the Committee work hard to ensure that the Hall continues to meet the needs of the local community, not only now, but for future generations to come.
The Village Hall now has its own, dedicated, website, complete with a calendar so you can check availability for bookings. Click on the link here: Village Hall
Message from the Committee
Our aim, as a management committee, is to provide and maintain the Village Hall for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish of Buckland Monachorum, without distinction of political, religious or other opinion, including use for meetings, lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for those inhabitants.
Chair: Mr Stephen Fryer ~ 01822 855336
Secretary: Nigel Rendle ~ 01822 853260
Treasurer: Tim Alexander ~ 01822 853292
Booking Secretary: Claire Fryer ~ 01822 855336
Caretaker: Shane Willson
Regular Events
Village Market & Coffee Shop ~ 10am to Noon
Various stalls to browse, plus Coffee Shop serving refreshments including filter coffee, tea, cake etc.
2nd Saturday of the month (not January, June, or August)
User Groups
Buckland Beehive Playgroup
Children’s Pre-School Group ~ five mornings a week
Contact: Jane Beard 01822 853634 or 07772 985991
Buckland Monachorum Drama Group
Local amateur dramatic group
Uses the Hall for rehearsals and productions, usually twice a year
New members always welcome for acting or back-stage roles
Buckland Art Group
From beginners upwards. All welcome to Join
Mondays – 7pm to 10pm
Alternate Thursdays – 1.30pm to 5pm
Contact: Iain Grant ~
Snooker Room
A full-size snooker table is available for hire on an hourly basis
Hiring the Hall
Buckland Monachorum Village Hall is available for hire to any group or individual. Certain conditions apply and a written copy of these is available on request. The Hall is licensed for 150 standing or 99 seated. The Hall also has an entertainment and theatre licence and a de-mountable stage is available on request, (this will be erected and dismantled by Hall staff only).
Hiring Charges: Main Hall – £15 per hour; Richard Mabey Room – £10 per hour; Snooker Table Hire – £2 per hour
The Hall has a large Kitchen with a commercial dishwasher and range cooker. There is restaurant quality crockery, cutlery and damask tablecloths for up to 108 people. If hiring the kitchen, you will need to supply your own chef’s knives and pots and pans.
If you wish to supply drinks at your event, you will need to provide your own glasses. These are generally available free from wine merchants etc when purchasing wine etc.
Please check with the Hall’s Bookings Secretary and West Devon Borough Council for the latest information on what licences are required for your proposed event.
Alcohol in the Village Hall – Licensing arrangements since 2009:
Advice to Hirers.
The Hall is licensed for Public Entertainment and Theatre Performances (150 Standing, 99 seated).
Potential hirers need to be clear as to the legally prescribed position re events at which alcohol is available.
A new licensing Act came into force in November 2005 and the Hall Premises Licence does not cover the supply or sale of alcohol to the Public at any event in the Hall.
However, alcohol may be consumed at occasions such as Quiz Nights, where members of the public bring their own alcoholic beverage, or at a strictly Private Party, where guests receive prior invitation and attend free of charge, and where all alcohol consumed is supplied free of charge by the Host – It is NOT permissable to ask for ‘donations’ or other monetary contribution, under any circumstance, towards the cost of the alcohol.
If alcohol is to be sold or provided as part of the entrance fee, then a Temproary Event Notice (TEN) must be applied for from West Devon Borough Council. Please ensure that your booking has been accepted before applying! N.B. The Hall is only allowed to have 12 TENs covering 15 days in any twelve months (Jan to Dec).
Any hirer wishing to run an event where alcohol is supplied either for sale or by the hirer as an integral part of the event – (and therefore effectively purchased by the entry charge) must:
1. Contact the Hall Booking Secretary to register their wish to hold an event at which alcohol will be for sale. The Booking Secretary will confirm if enough TENs remain.
2. Then obtain a Temporary Event Notice (TEN) in advance, by application to West Devon Borough Council (The Licensing Authority). This currently costs £21. It is the responsibility of the Hirer to obtain this Notice.
3. Provide a copy of the duly endorsed TEN(s) for the Committee to have sight of, at least one month prior to the event taking place, to confirm the booking.
Guidance information and the TEN forms, (required in duplicate by West Devon – with another copy for the Police), are available in Microsoft Word format on the West Devon Borough Council Website at:
As mentioned above, the Hall is limited under the new licensing regulations to 12 such Events per year – covering a maximum of 15 days.
The TEN application form requires the Hirer to nominate an individual as the Premises User – who will:
- be present throughout the Event
- be responsible for adherence to all the conditions listed in the notes which are attached to the TEN application form
- ensure that the endorsed copy of the TEN is displayed in the Hall during the event.
(Note: Where the intention is to supply alcohol for consumption on the premises, then the Premises User must ensure that no person leaves the premises with alcohol supplied in the Hall.)